Monday, November 21, 2011

I'm back!

So I had to take a small hiatus from blogging in order to figure out my new schedule as a SAHM. Being a newly SAHM with three school aged kids and one infant is a lot to figure out as far as logistics and meal planning.  But I've finally gotten myself into somewhat of a groove  and feel I can handle a post or two (or just one!) a week.

So much is going on in my life right now and I'm excited for all of it! I want this blog to be not only about my experiences as a stay at home mom, but also about my Christian walk.  God has really been showing me a lot about what a godly woman (wife/mother) should look like and I have really been studying that Proverbs 31 woman and seeing how I can apply that wisdom to my own life.

I've also started to take an apologetics class on Sunday nights at my church (one of three Sunday school classes being offered at this time).  I was very excited about it because most of my family (on my mother's side) are Jehovah's Witnesses and I wanted to become more bold in talking to them about my faith. Last night, though, was a hard class and really caused me to step back and think I'm not meant to take it! We were learning ways to explain how God is infinite and people were using terms like "2nd law of thermodynamics" and other scientific explanations that my brain just cannot comprehend.  I was literally holding my face with both my hands to keep myself from running out!!  I expressed my feelings of discouragement on a post on FB when I got home and my classmates all encouraged me to continue with the class... so I might give it one more try.  Our next class we will be discussing Jesus, so I'm praying that this topic will be a little easier than explaining God!

Samuel and the kids are growing!  They are all doing so wonderful and the older kids have really been a great help with little Sam.  I'm also trying to teach them more about our faith at home, so that's something I've been working on with them.

Marcia and I meet every Thursday (or try to!). I love having her over because she just brightens up my day with her laughter and her love.  We talk a lot about our marriages and our faith and what we want that to look like - it's just wonderful.  I love talking to other sisters in the faith about being a godly woman and what we are called to do in the body of Christ.  God is really putting other godly woman in my path for that reason and I'm so excited to really get close to my sisters and learn from each other.

So LOTS going on and I'm excited to blog my way through all of it.  Through it all I hope to be as transparent as possible and show my ups and downs so that it may be an encouragement to other woman. I am just a regular Christian wife & SAHM who loves to write and study the word of God.  Welcome to my life!

In Christ,


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