Thursday, December 15, 2011

P31 Study: Her Husband Trusts her...

Proverbs 31:11
"Her husband can trust her,
and she will greatly enrich his life.

This verse is absolutely my favorite verse in Proverbs 31.  To have my husband trust me, like TRUST me so that he knows he can go to work and not have to worry about anything that involves the home or our family - that is truly a blessing.  For me and my family, that means:
  • I've paid the bills for the month (or at least attempted to pay them with what we have!)
  • I've done grocery shopping and there's always something to eat/drink/snack on in the house
  • the kids are clean (like showers, combed hair, smelling good...)
  • the kids are not walking out the house looking crazy (no ripped jeans, inside out shirts, two different pairs of shoes, etc.)
  • his work clothes are washed and available to him every morning
  • I don't go out and spend money on things we don't need
My husband can trust me with our children, our home, and our financial situation. He knows that I'm not spending money unnecessarily.  I once went to the salvation army and bought my husband a nice pair of pants for $4! I told him to try them on without telling him where I got them, after he liked it and I got them off of him, I told him how much they cost and where I got them. He was very surprised, because my husband is very particular about clothing especially - he wants the children to be in nothing but expensive clothing and hates hand me downs.  So I wanted to prove to him that we can still get nice clothes but don't have to break the bank.  He trusts me in these areas. 

And then there are ways that I can great enrich his life.  For example, my husband comes home Monday - Friday and after saying hello to everyone he makes a beeline straight to the bathroom to take a shower. Every single evening, that's his main goal: just get to that shower and wash the day away.  And every single day, he says "Can someone get my towel from upstairs?"  Every day.  So starting today, I'm going to make sure that his towel is already hung up in the bathroom waiting for him when he gets home. So he will eventually know that he can just go straight to the bathroom and not worry about his towel, because it will be there. That's enriching his life in a small way - but I know he would appreciate it.   Another way I enrich my husband's life is just by taking a few minutes out of my day during the week to call his parents and check up on them.  Just calling them once or twice a week shows him that I care about his parents and they are on my heart.  That's a REALLY big deal for him. My husband is very close to his mother and feels very guilty when he cannot call her as often as he likes.  But if I call her, then he knows that she has at least heard from one of us and it makes her feel that we love her and haven't forgotten about her and my father-in-law. So it makes her happy, it makes my husband happy.  Little things.
What can you do to enrich your husband's life?  It doesn't have to be a big thing, something small but important to him.

In Christ,

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